
You Make it

Hi, my name is Jon Phillips the Executive Director of Kathy’s House, and I want to welcome you to experience the heart and soul of Kathy’s House. It is what drives me, wrecks me, and motivates me to do better, love harder, go lower, and shoot for the moon. Because of partnerships like yours, we experience the joy of victories in many lives every day. That makes my job the best job in the world. Please take a moment and watch the video below to get a feel for who we are and what we do. Thank you for making it all possible.

Welcome to Kathy’s House

Hear a brief 3 min welcome message from our Executive Director, Jon Phillips as he gives you an overview of what Kathy’s House is all about and what makes it so special to him, and to all of us too!

Kathy’s House Operates in it’s Calling to the Mountain of Family

Before the church was established as a place that people “came to,” Jesus instituted it as an army that brought transformation to society, starting with salvation and continuing with seven spheres of influence: Church, family, education, government, media, arts, and commerce. - Lance Wallnau

These seven spheres are likened to the seven mountains referenced in the bible. Our mandate: Bring Godly change to a nation by reaching its seven spheres, or mountains, of societal influence.

In any functional society, the family is the “building block” of the community. Throughout the Bible, you will find familial examples that portray how we ought to live our lives today. God desires that men, women, and children within a family be united as one in His love. After all, He is the ultimate Father (Romans 8:14-17).

Our call at Kathy’s House is to rebuild the foundation of family, and family values. Starting with God the Father, who so loved us, He gave us His begotten son, and then raising up fathers and mothers in the faith to in turn love the lost, hurting, inconvenient and bring healing to our communities and land.