Jesus is on the Throne

Christmas is upon us. In such uncertain times it is easy to be discouraged, and it seems like daily we are fighting off some form of fear or another. Here at Kathy’s House, we hold on to one thing that is certain; Jesus is on the throne and that is the best news ever!

2022 has been a year full of growth and much fruit for this ministry. Our men’s and women’s homes are thriving, and we are so grateful for your partnership. Without your generosity, we would not have been able to accomplish the wonderful victories in the areas the Lord has directed us.

It is one thing to get sober, that is a great place to begin, but as time goes on, we find that there are many facets to freedom and wholeness. To successfully enter back into society, and navigate God’s plan and purpose for our life, there are six vital areas that need restoration. We need to be restored spiritually, emotionally, environmentally, physically socially and intellectually. This takes a lot of work and quite a bit of money which your giving has enabled Kathy’s House to pay for.

Typically, when a man or women comes to Kathy’s House and commits to a year of restoration, they have a variety of things that need to be addressed. Some examples of this are medical and dental work. Most of our residents have outstanding court cases and need to pay fines or take classes to get their license reinstated. Many have damaged credit and have not finished their education. Counseling and deep inner healing need to take place to break cycles of the past that cause an individual to return to bad habits instead of leaning into Jesus. Often, we need to hire a professional to help facilitate this need. To graduate from our program, our residents need to have employment and a vehicle to get them to and from work. These needs are essential to success.

When you evaluate this coming year, please consider partnering with us financially. There is so much we want to do and with your help we can achieve it all. Many of you have asked how to bless the men and women this holiday season. Gift cards are always great whether it be a meal, makeup or buying that one thing they really need. Gift cards are a great way to share the love.

Thank you for another fruitful year full of hope and restoration your generosity and prayers are something we cannot do without.

Merry Christmas
           and a truly blessed New Year!

From the entire team at Kathy’s House!

Jon Phillips

Executive Director


What me worry?


Our Journey